- TitelHalf-plan of the south portico steps and podium, with a sketch elevation of the walling and a detail of the steps in section
- ReferensWRE/7/2/1
- Datumc.1697-98
- Upphovsman
- Fysisk beskrivningPen and brown ink with yellow-brown wash over pencil, and additions in pencil. Laid paper. 36.7 x 51.6 cm. Countermark: PVL
- Beskrivning{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 System;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue128;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 Study for the south portico steps, front parapet wall and podium, in half-plan, with a pencil half-elevation below. Drawn by Hawksmoor, probably with some pencil-work by Wren. Datable c.1697-98. \par \par Studies for the south portico in 1675-79 have two groups of steps: an upper semi-circular flight of 9 steps, which descends between the pedestals of the columns to a curved landing, and two outer flights of 9 or 10 steps to the base of the building on either side. The landing and lower steps are enclosed by curved and straight sections of parapet wall; see WRE/2/2/7 and WRE/2/4/1 and 12. \par \par The present drawing is a near-final scheme for the steps built in April-June 1698 and illustrated in Jan Kip\rquote s engraved plan of the cathedral in 1701 (Wren Society 15, p.40 and 14, pl.6). It was drawn by Hawksmoor as a revision to a pencil preparatory study in the under-drawing, some of which may be in Wren\rquote s hand. The pencil study indicates a retaining wall, topped by a parapet wall with pedestals, which projects further out than in the ink-and-wash plan. At the bottom of the sheet is a pencil half-elevation of this scheme. It indicates straight outer walls enclosing side staircases which do not turn outwards to the south. A pair of gates facing west is indicated by quarter circles at the bottom of the flight in the pencil plan. Related to this scheme is a pencil section of a column base and pedestal, drawn at right angles to the centre-line, which shows 8 steps descending to a level platform. This version creates a broader platform at a higher level than in the final, ink-drawn scheme. A revision of this pencil-drawn scheme, anticipating the final one, has the straight flight turning through 90 degrees in a semi-circular flight between the square piers of the side wall. \par \par The ink-and-wash scheme introduces a square half-landing and a final return flight of five straight steps between the piers. Hawksmoor numbered 27 steps in all: 11 steps in the upper flight and 16 in the lower two. The increase of about 8 steps over the plans in 1675-79 is partly accounted for by the final flight, not shown in the earlier drawings, which meets the sloping ground on the south side at a lower level than the base of the building. \par \par The plan is very close to the executed scheme. The only alteration was the omission of the niche shown on the inner curve of the wall. \cf0\b\f1\par }
- Villkor för tillgångAccess to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
- Beskrivningsnivå