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  • Title
    The portico steps, churchyard railings and church-floor paving, early 1690s–1713
  • Reference
  • Exent
    7 drawings
  • Description
    Wren revised the south and north portico steps shortly before they were built in 1698-99. A half-plan by Hawksmoor, WRE/7/2/1, shows the curvilinear line of the parapet wall evolving from the pencil-drawn plan of a wall in segmental and straight sections and with differently configured outer steps. WRE/7/2/2 is the surviving west half of a larger plan of the churchyard, prepared by William Dickinson in c.1709. It shows Wren’s proposals for wrought-iron railings around the cathedral and marks the plots divisions and dimensions of the two blocks of houses that were to be demolished on the north side. WRE/7/2/3 is Dickinson’s revised plan of the approved scheme for cast-iron railings, ordered by Building Committee from Richard Jones in January 1710. It includes the drainage channels laid around the precinct in c.1685-87. Jones's railings were later modified with linking sections to the west portico and Dean’s Door. Another alteration in 1713 created an enclosure around the north portico; see WRE/7/2/4. Paving the church floor began with the Lord Mayor’s vestry in 1684 and continued with the floor of the choir in 1695-97. A paving plan by Hawksmoor, WRE/7/2/5, is an early proposal for coloured marble flooring between the crossing and the choir. It predates detailed designs for the choir enclosure from 1693. In 1707-09 William Dickinson took charge of drawing up designs for the paving in the crossing. He produced a quarter-plan showing alternative patterns for the coloured marble in the sixteen segments of the crossing circle, WRE/7/2/6, and a magnificent complete plan of the entire cathedral floor as executed by mid-1710, WRE/7/2/7.
  • Conditions governing access
    Access to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
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