- TitelUnfinished east–west section of the east end of the choir at crypt and church-floor level, with sketched outlines of the attic and clerestory
- SignaturWRE/2/3/6
- Datum1675–76
- Hersteller
- Physische BeschaffenheitPen and brown ink over pencil and faint incised lines, with additions in pencil. Laid paper, trimmed all round, with central vertical fold. 49.6 x 62.7 cm. Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR; countermark: IHS surmounted by cross, over AI.
- Beschreibung{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 System;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue128;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 An incomplete section through the east end of the choir and apse in an unidentified hand, possibly that of Edward Strong, but with some pencil-work by Wren. Datable 1675-76. Drawn scale, just over 5 ft to 1 inch (10 ft = 50 mm).\par \par The ink drawing is not characteristic of Wren: the outlines of the capitals and festoons are limp and flat, and the moulding profiles are inaccurately or coarsely rendered in places. The sepia-brown line technique and the numbering on the scale bar suggest the hand of Edward Strong; compare his study of the upper apse in c.1685-86, WRE/3/1/6, and his half-plan of the transept end in c.1678-79, WRE/2/4/12. Edward\rquote s older brother Thomas\rquote s team of masons was responsible for the masonry construction of the apse and easternmost half-bay of the choir. The lightly drawn pencil sketching in the attic is characteristic of Wren's hand; compare WRE/2/4/3.\par \par The drawing probably pre-dates a contract with Thomas Warren on 8 June 1676 to build the brick vaults of the crypt (Wren Society 16, p.14), as the profiles of these vaults around the apse are hesitantly sketched in pencil and do not conform to the fabric . Dashed ink construction lines are trials for the profile of the two-centred elliptical arch of the aisle recess in the first full bay. \par \par At church-floor level, the main internal pilaster is 40 ft above a 1 ft 9 inches sub-plinth, as executed throughout the interior. The wall elevations are shown nearly as built to the top of the impost of the smaller order. The pencil-sketched attic above the entablature is a few inches shorter than built and lacks a crowning plinth course; see WRE/2/3/7. The coffering sketched in pencil on the larger and smaller ribs of the barrel vault next to the apse was changed to scrolled acanthus and guilloche, and coffering was applied to the barrel vault itself (see WRE/3/1/15). \par \par The drawing indicates that Wren had finalised the dimensions and most of the details of the eastern arm up to the top of the main internal order by the time work began on the vaults of the crypt in the summer of 1676.\par \par \b Reverse:\b0\par \par Drawn vertically in pencil on the right side is a study for the plan or section of an ellipse, probably that of an arch in a crypt recess. It is set in a rectangle 21.7 cm long by 7.45 cm high, and divided by a vertical centre line. Sketched in pencil at bottom centre is an acanthus leaf ornament.\par \cf0\b\f1\par }
- ZugangsbestimmungenAccess to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
- VerzeichnungsstufeEinzelstück, Einheit