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  • Title
    Designs c.1701–02 (stages 3 and 4) and c.1703–10 (stage 5)
  • Reference
  • Exent
    11 drawings
  • Description
    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 System;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue128;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 WRE/6/2/1 is a study-elevation by Hawksmoor for the belfry and clock stage of the towers, probably for a revision to the wooden model completed by John Smallwell in September 1701 (stage 3). Smallwell's model introduced square corners in place of the concave corners in the earlier design at stage 2. Wren had heightened the clock/belfry stage to accommodate an upper belfry floor and a higher belfry chamber in the north-west tower to accommodate a ring of eight bells (not installed until the 1880s). One of the square corners would have accommodated a spiral staircase; see WRE/6/2/2. \par \par WRE/6/2/3, drawn mostly by Dickinson, is a companion long section to the above two drawings and shows the upper belfry floor in its final position. Hawksmoor revised this drawing in darker brown ink to add an upper \lquote Corridor\rquote or wall passage behind the pediments. His notes describe how rainwater should be directed from this passage to the belfry openings. WRE/6/2/4 is a related plan at stage 3 which Hawksmoor revised to reintroduce concave corners and reposition the spiral staircases (stage 4). The continuous passage around the top of the belfry stage is clearly marked in the revision and his notes advise on drainage. \par \par WRE/6/2/5 is a careful re-drawing, probably by Simon Gribelin, of Hawksmoor\rquote s revised plan, WRE/6/2/4. Gribelin was responsible for WRE/6/2/7 (stage 4), a complete west elevation, preparatory for his engraving of 1702 (Wren Society 14, pl.12). \par \par WRE/6/2/6 is Hawksmoor\rquote s study for a revision of the square-cornered belfry, and preparatory for the west towers in Gribelin\rquote s drawing, WRE/6/2/7. It reinstates the concave corners and lowers the floor and vault of the belfry chamber. The lower vault appears to have been needed to support an internal timber post which rises to the capping and finial of the lantern. \par \par WRE/6/2/8 is a near-final half-plan of the peristyle and attic stages of the lanterns of both towers (stage 5). WRE/6/2/9, also drawn by Dickinson, is a full-height section for the south-west tower, dated on the reverse 23 February 1704 but revised by the addition of a plan of the clock stage. The lantern in this design supersedes the one in the half-plan. Dickinson drew on the section of the tower a proposal for the Geometrical Stair (built in 1705-06), and added a plan of the clock (contracted in 1706) and a revision to the surround and vault of the \lquote Dean\rquote s Door\rquote on the south side of the tower (reconstructed in 1705). Originally attached to the upper left side of this sheet is WRE/6/2/10, a long section through the adjoining Library chamber. \par \par Dickinson\rquote s last known drawing for the towers is WRE/6/1/11, an incomplete section through the north-west tower, dated 22 April 1710. \cf0\b\f1 \par }
  • Conditions governing access
    Access to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
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