'In the shadow of St Paul's, wings for Victory week, London 1943'
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 Photo of a painting by Frank E. Beresford, who gave it to St Paul's Choir school in memory of his wife's nephew who had sung the first solo broadcast to the Empire. Picture shows the West part of St Paul's Cathedral\par
In the Shadow of St Paul's / Wings for Victory Week. London. 1943 / From the painting by Frank E. Beresford , the Hall Studio / London NW8 / Presented to St Paul's Cathedral Choir school in memory of his wife's nephew. Rupert Claque. / One time chorister of the school. Who sang the / fisrt solo broadcast to the Empire. He lost his / life in the war six weeks before his 21st / birthdayE27