Numero oggetto
Organists and musicians, 1870-1930
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Collection of 9 portraits of musicians, mostly organists, connected with the life of the Cathedral, ca. 1870-1930. People depicted (from right to left): Maurice Green (1695-1755), black and white photograph of an 18th century painting. Thomas Attwood (1765-1838), black and white photograph of an 18th century painting. George Cooper (1820-1876), black and white photographic half-portrait, ca. 1870. Sir John Goss, black and white photographic half-portrait, ca. 1870. Sir John Stainer, black and white photographic portrait, ca. 1870. George Clement Martin, black and white photographic half-portrait, ca. 1888-1916. Charles Macpherson, black and white photographic half-portrait, ca. 1916-1927. Jeremiah Clark, black and white photograph of an original oil painting. William Hodge, pencil drawing on paper.\par
1870 - 1930
Nome oggetto
Born 1695 - Dr. Maurice Greene. Died 1755. / Organist St. Pauls Cathedral, 1718-1755. / Buried in the Crypt', below.Thomas Attwood, / Born Nov 21st 1765. Died March 24th 1838 / Composer to the Chapel Royal, 1796. / Organist of St. Pauls Cathedral, 1796. / Organist of the Chapel Royal, 1836. / Presented by Sir George Martin.', below. George Cooper / Born 1820. Died 1876. / Sub-Organist St. PaulSIR JOHN GOSS, Mus.D. / Born 1800 - Died 1880John StainerIn Memoriam George Clement Martin M.V.O. Mus. Doc / Organist of St. Paul