{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \f0\fs20 Three opaque glass mosaic panels, designed by William Blake Richmond, executed by Messrs Powell of Whitefriars, completed by 1896\par
According to Forrest Browne, Richmond initially considered using these flat, rectangular spaces for mosaics depicting a procession of saints and angels, \ldblquote but the scale was too small and the idea was finally abandoned.\rdblquote As a result, the mosaics of the entablature are among the most daring and successful of Richmond\rquote s scheme: they celebrate the theme of the Creation so boldly laid out in the saucer domes. The mosaics on north and south entablature were executed following the same cartoons however they show minor differences in execution. \par
\b 6003.A Two Fish\par
Brief description\b0 : symmetrical composition developing from central vertical axis with water plants and water depicted in lines of tesserae ranging from dark blue to green and white, with golden pebbles at the base of the mosaic, a stylised red and golden fish on either side, shown head down with their bodies curling to the top of the mosaic in a curve.\par
\b 6003.B Three Fish\par
Brief description\b0 : symmetrical composition developing from central vertical axis with a two-tailed stylised red and golden fish against a background of water plants and water depicted in lines of tesserae ranging from dark blue to green and white, with golden pebbles at the base of the mosaic, a stylised red and golden fish with duckbill on either side, shown head down with their bodies curling to the top of the mosaic in an inward curve.\par
\b 6003.C Two Fish\par
Brief description\b0 : following the same design as 7212.A (and the related mosaic on the other side of the entablature), symmetrical composition developing from central vertical axis with water plants and water depicted in lines of tesserae ranging from dark blue to green and white, with golden pebbles at the base of the mosaic, a stylised red and golden fish on either side, shown head down with their bodies curling to the top of the mosaic in a curve.\par
\b Related quotes\b0 :\par
Browne 1896, pp. 17-18: \ldblquote Below the clerestory windows and window spaces, where in a Gothic church the triforium openings would come, the wall is solid, pierced in each bay by only a small door. The surface of this solid wall is broken into three rectangular panels in each bay on both sides of the Choir. Many experiments were made with a view of representing processions of saints and angels in these panels; but the scale was too small, and the idea was finally abandoned. In the eastern bay, where the saucer-dome has the creation of the birds, the panels carry birds. In the middle bay, where the saucer-dome has the creation of the fishes, the panels shew fishes; and similarly, in the western bays, beasts.\rdblquote \par
\b Literature and references\b0 : Browne 1896, pp. 17-18; Zech 2015, pp. 28-29. \par