{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Monument to Captain James Mosse (1746-1801) and Captain Edward Riou (1762-1789), marble, John Charles Felix Rossi, 1805.\par
Capt. JAMES ROBERT MOSSE.Capt. EDWARD RIOUThe Services and Death / of two valiant and distinguished Officers / JAMES ROBERT MOSSE Captain of the Monarch, / and EDWARD RIOU of the Amazon, / who fell in the attack upon Copenhagen / conducted by Lord NELSON, 2d April, 1801, / are commemorated by this Monument / erected at the national expense.JAMES ROBERT MOSSE, / was born in 1746; / he served as Lieutenant / several years under Lord HOWE, / and was promoted / to the rank of Post Captain in 1790To EDWARD RIOU / who was born in 1762, / an extrordinary occasion was presented / in the early part of his service, / of signalizing his intrepidity, / and presence of mind, / which were combined with the most anxious / solicitude for the lives of those under his command / and a magnanimous disregard of his own. / When his Ship, the Guardian, struck upon / an island of Ice in Dec. 1789, and afforded no prospect / but that of immediate destruction to those on board, / Lieut. Riou, encouraged all who desired to take the chance / of preserving themselves in the boats, to consult their safety / but judging it contrary to his own duty / to desert the Vessel, / he neither gave himself to despair, / nor relaxed his exertions; / whereby, after ten weeks, of the most perilous navigation, / he succeeded in bringing his disabled Ship into Port, / receiving this high reward / of fortitude and perseverance, / from the divine Providence / on whose protection he relied.