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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 A silver medal depicting Charles I on the obverse and St Paul' Cathedral on the reverse, struck in 1633. Pre-Fire St Paul's was at the heart of the life of the Medieval and early modern City of London. This fine and rare silver medal was struck in 1633 to commemorate the return of Charles I to London from his belated Scottish coronation at Holyrood House in Edinburgh. On the obverse Charles I is mounted on a horse with roses, shamrocks and thistles beneath representing the nations he ruled. On the reverse an image of St Paul\rquote s Cathedral is used to represent the city of London accompanied by the text: AT VRBEM \'b7:E:\'b7 SOL ORBEM REDIENS SIC REX ILLVMIN (\i As the sun illuminates the world, so too doth the King\rquote s return gladden the city\i0 ).\cf0\par