{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Free-standing monument to Robert Faulknor (1763-1795) by John Charles Felix Rossi, 1803.\par
This Monument was erected / by the British Parliament / to commemorate the gallant Conduct / of Captain ROBERT FAULKNOR / who on the 5th. of January 1795, / In the thirty second Year of his age / and in the moment of Victory / was killed on board the Blanche Frigate / while he was engaging La Pique, a French Frigate / of very superior force. / The circumstances of determined Bravery, that distinguished this action / which lasted five hours, deserve to be recorded. / Captain FAULKNOR observing the great superiority of the enemy, / and having lost most of his mast and rigging, / snatched an opportunity of the bowsprit of La Pique coming athwart the Blanche, / and with his own hands lashed it to her capstern; / and thus converted the whole stern of the Blanche into one battery; / but unfortunately soon after this bold and daring manoeuvre, / He was shot through the HeartCHAS. ROSSI R.A. / SCULP.1803