- НазваниеSouth Churchyard, Churchyard paving and sculptor's studio, drawings by Feilden & Mawson
- СсылкаSPCAA/D/26/16/(1-7)
- Дата1969-1975
- Создатель
- Форма и содержание{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs16 7 drawings relating to St Paul's Churchyard paving, Sculptor's studio and South Churchyard, includes 4 small and 3 large drawings.\par \par Small drawings (1972-1975) include: Sketch layout and details of the Sculptor's studio, plan and elevation of various parts of the studio with a revision, Scale 1/4inch:1ft, 1972; St Paul's Precincts Paving Layout, plan drawing with revision, Scale 1/500, 1972; Original and copy of Proposed carver's workshop outline proposals showing south elevation, plan and section of the proposal with explanatory notes, Scale 1:96, 1975. \par \par Large drawings (1970, undated) include: Plan of drain showing from surface to top of crown, St Paul's precinct east end, Scale 1inch: 20ft, 1970; South side Landscaping Scheme plan drawing, Scale 1/16inch:1ft, 1970; St Paul's plan drawing showing 'present' arrangements + improvements and also existing fragments of Old St Paul's, undated.\b\par \b0\par }
- Размер7 drawings
- Условия доступаAccess is strictly by appointment only with the architectural archivist. Material dating from 1990 to the present day is not currently available for public consultation. Some records are subject to a closure period of 75 years under the Data Protection Act.
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