- НазваниеFrancis Cranmer Penrose drawings
- СсылкаSPCAA/D/1
- Дата1852-1897
- Создатель
- Размер380 drawings
- Описание{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 System;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 The drawings were created by F C Penrose (1817 - 1903) in the course of his long tenure at the Cathedral and mark a period of immense change to the decorative embellishment of the interior.\par \par The drawings, which include sketches, survey drawings, design proposals, and working drawings, relate to work carried out between 1852 and 1897 and included the replacement of the crypt floor with a scheme of mosaic decoration, the extension and re-arrangement of the quire, the partitioning of the grand organ, and the design of stained glass windows, a pulpit and other liturgical furniture. Whilst some of Penrose's schemes were never approved by the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's, others, particularly the re-ordering of the quire, have given the cathedral some of its most famous interior vistas; in particular, the uninterrupted view from the west end of the triforium to the east. In addition, Penrose was responsible for the exterior landscaping project of the 1870s, which led to the discovery of the remains of the pre-fire St Paul's cathedral. \b\f1\fs20\par }
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