Early study for the crypt in quarter plan, cross-section and part long-section
[nb-NO]Physical description[nb-NO]
Pen and brown ink over pencil, with pencilled shading, and two pencilled sketches on reverse. 35.7 x 25.7 cm. Countermark: IHS over a cross.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 System;}}
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 A schematic study of the south-east quarter of the crypt, mostly in the hand of the unidentified draughtsman (fl.1675-c.1687) but probably with preparatory drawing and amendments by Wren. Unresolved in its treatment of the external and internal walls at basement and church-floor levels, it differs from the fabric in many dimensions and details. Datable 1675 (pre-construction). Implied scale, c.11.5 ft to 1 inch.\par
Below the quarter-plan is a cross-section through the middle bay of the eastern arm and to the right is a long section through the main centre-line, looking south, but excluding the apse. The depths and projections of the footings below ground level are indicated in broken outlines on the plan and in wavy and stepped lines in the cross-section. These projections are narrower than in the 1701 engraved plan of the cathedral (Wren Society 14, pl.6) and imply a different articulation of the external wall at main-floor level (see below).\par
In the plan, the widths of the outer and central aisles (11 ft and 36 ft) and the dimensions of the square piers conform to the fabric. Not conforming, however, are (i) the staircase in the south-east corner pier mass (built in a larger, round-ended well in the adjoining pier, and with an external door; see WRE/3/1/12); (ii) the small octagonal stairwell in the wall mass at the angle of the apse (omitted); and (iii) the recesses in the apse and east wall (given additional set-backs behind the windows to accommodate more angled splays at church-floor level).\par
The two sections do not agree with the built heights of the masonry piers to the tops of their imposts. These were lowered from 12 ft to about 11 ft 6 inches and the arches of their vaults changed from semi-circular to catenary shaped (see WRE/2/1/2). The dimension \lquote 61 [ft]\rquote written below the baseline of the cross-section denotes the external half-width at church-floor and basement levels (since in this section, unlike the fabric, the basement wall beneath the window is in line with the wall above). This is 6 inches more than the built dimension at church-floor level (see WRE/2/1/5). \par
The draughtsman\rquote s hand is recognisable from the \lquote 3\rquote with a straight top, the s-shaped \lquote 8\rquote , and the prominent chevrons for marking dimensions (compare WRE/2/3/9 and 11). Sketched probably by Wren in pencil in the cross-section is a profile of the aisle wall at church-floor level which differs significantly from the built plan at this level. The internal aisle wall is dressed with the base of a pilaster which aligns with the set-back in the aisle recess at crypt level. This implies a rectangular internal recess, with pilasters on the flanks or angles, framing the window. Rectangular aisle recesses are found in a plan by Wren at All Souls for an equal-armed basilica, datable c.1675, immediately after the Warrant design (Geraghty 2007, no.76). \par
On the \b reverse\b0 : two sketched studies in pencil, probably for the arch construction of the crypt: (i) a semi-circular arch with a narrow, wedge-shaped radial segment drawn across is, shaded in pencil lines, and, above right, (ii) a profile of a cyma moulding (perhaps for an impost). \fs16 \cf0\b\f1\fs20\par
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Access to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
[nb-NO]Level of description[nb-NO]