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  • Título
    Half-elevation and half-section of a dome with a two-stage drum in 24 bays and a conical middle dome, developed from WRE/5/1/7 and 8. Reverse: sketch half-section, preparatory for WRE/5/2/4
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  • Descripción física
    Pen and brown ink over incised lines and pencil, with pen shading and additions in pencil; reverse has red wax spots. Laid paper. 48.4 x 35.3, in modern paper frame, 55.3 x 42.0 cm. Watermark: Strasbourg lily WR
  • Descripción
    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue128;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 A carefully drawn study which combines features from the elevation in WRE/5/1/8 and the right section in WRE/5/1/7 while setting the base of the conical middle dome at a higher level. Datable c.1691-93. Drawn in ink and pencil by Hawksmoor, but probably with some pencil-work by Wren. Implied scale, 20 ft to 1 inch.\par \par Section and elevation are not entirely consistent with each other. In the section, steps rise to the base of the peristyle, a flaming vase motif stands on the pedestal of the lower drum, the peristyle has two tiers of openings, and round windows pierce the attic and upper domes. In the elevation, the steps and windows are absent and figures stand on the lower pedestals. The lower openings in the peristyle form oval windows in the inner dome. These are framed by octagonal and lozenge shaped coffers derived from examples of Roman ceilings first illustrated by Serlio in 1537 (Book IV, chapter 12; see Hart and Hicks 1996, I, p.385). They were probably intended to be painted in trompe l\rquote oeil, as their mouldings are not expressed in section. Erased from the section is a lower, shallower inner dome similar to that in WRE/5/1/7. Slots for iron reinforcement are drawn at several levels, as in WRE/5/2/2. This structural innovation, fundamental to the executed dome, sets these two schemes apart from those in the earlier group, WRE/5/1. \par \par Ruled pencil lines explore the fall of light through the windows of the outer dome and lower drum. At bottom centre is a compass-drawn quarter-plan of three incomplete bays of the peristyle.\par \par \b Reverse: \b0\par \par Incomplete pencil study in half-section, scaled at 6 ft to 1 inch, developed from the study for a 32-bay dome in WRE/5/2/3, and preparatory for the half-section, WRE/5/2/4 (also 6 ft to 1 inch), which further refines the design. Drawn and dimensioned by Hawksmoor but probably with some pencil-work by Wren. \par \par The study omits the ovoid middle dome in WRE/5/2/3 while reducing the thickness of the inner and outer domes. The latter is now a thin shell, intended as lead-clad timber. Replacing the middle dome is a faintly drawn diagonal timber strut which rests on a rectangular section of wall above the haunch of the inner dome and behind the attic stage. Thus, at this stage in the design, the outer dome and its internal structure were to be in timber rather than masonry (see WRE/5/3/9). The springing of the middle dome, columns, window openings and inner entablature are all lower than in WRE/5/2/3 and the columns are 3 ft 3 inches in diameter instead of 3 ft (they were built 3 ft 6 inches wide). The large scrolled buttress in the radial wall develops the feature sketched in pencil and wash on the earlier study. \par }
  • Condiciones de acceso
    Access to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
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