Internal elevation of the west aisle door recess
Descripción física
Pen and brown ink over pencil under-drawing with grey wash. Laid paper. 23.8 x 10.4 cm, including early repair to tear on left. No watermark.
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 An internal elevation of the west aisle door recess, in the same hand as WRE/3/4/4-6. Datable 1685-86. Implied scale, just over 6 ft to 1 inch (see WRE/3/4/6).\par
Developed from a pencil study at All Souls for the internal elevation of the west door and aisle recess (Geraghty 2007, no.87) and closely related to WRE/3/3/10, where the outer side of the aisle door and arch-headed window are shown. \cf0\b\f1\par
Condiciones de acceso
Access to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
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