- العنوانLetter from Basil Sullivan, architect, to Richard Wakelin, with handwritten note on reverse and attached copy of letter from Wakelin to Sullivan.
- مرجعSPCAA/SPW/3/9/4
- التاريخ12 - 13 March 1944
- المنشيء
- [ar-SA]Exent[ar-SA]1 item, 3 pp
- الوصف{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 Letter signed by Sullivan and dated 13th March regarding Canon Alexander's omission of the Watch when talking to the Telegraph newspaper. The letter summarises the meeting Sullivan and Wakelin had the previous Saturday 11th March with the Dean and Chapter, at which Messrs Brockman and Clayden also attended. It was agreed at this meeting that the Dean and Chapter should draft an official pronouncement for publication which will be approved by the committee regarding the inaccurate statements. On the reverse side, Sullivan has added an additional note to Wakelin regarding the exact wording used within this statement, which he was reading through prior to approval, and attached is a copy of the letter Wakelin sent to Sulivan with a draft of the official statement rectifying the inaccuracy for his approval (not present, as sent to Sullivan.\par }
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