Designs c.1685–86 (stage 1) and c.1699–1701 (stage 2)
9 drawings
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 WRE/6/1/1 and 2 are early pencil plans by Wren of the north-west quarter at triforium level, datable c.1685-86. Drawn in the two front corners of the tower are the 3-ft-square holes that were built from 1694 for the suspended weights of a clock, but never used. WRE/6/1/2 embodies an early scheme for a combined belfry and lantern stage, with coupled columns on the angles. \par
WRE/6/1/3 is a two-part elevational study by Hawksmoor, the lower part c.1685-86, with a pencil-sketched bell over the upper tower window (stage 1). The upper part is a wash study for the clock/belfry and lantern stages (stage 2). WRE/6/1/4, also by Hawksmoor, is the earliest complete study for a combined clock/belfry stage surmounted by a lantern and is probably connected with a wooden model of the tower made by John Smallwell in September 1700. The belfry floor is at the position it was laid in late 1700, level with the architrave of the upper entablature. \par
WRE/6/1/5 is a detailed plan-study of both towers from stage 2, drawn mostly by William Dickinson. It establishes the positions of water holes and weight holes on each side. Two elevational studies and a section through the north-west tower, WRE/6/1/6-8, refine the detailing of the belfry and lantern stage.\par
WRE/6/1/9 is a section by Dickinson through the south-west tower and triforium gallery (stage 2). He notes all the floor and roof levels and heightens the clock/belfry stage to accommodate an upper belfry floor on the north side. This section corresponds to the elevation of the tower in Jan Kip\rquote s engraved north elevation, completed in June 1701 (Wren Society 14, pl.10).\cf0\b\f1\par
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Access to the Wren office drawings held at London Metropolitan Archives is available only with advance notice and at the discretion of the Heritage Services Director, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HB.
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