- العنوانUntitled (churchyard)
- مرجعSPCAA/D/1/10/4
- التاريخ26 March 1873
- المنشيء
- الوصف الماديSection drawings showing the daturn lines and levels of the western churchyard, executed on tracing paper in red and black ink, and grey watercolour. The drawing has been mounted on white paper. The left-hand side of the drawing is missing (torn).
- الوصف{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 2 section drawings (with scale) showing daturn lines in western part of the churchyard, and the positioning of the new post and chains.\par }
- الشروط التي تحكم الوصولAccess is strictly by appointment only with the architectural archivist. Material dating from 1990 to the present day is not currently available for public consultation. Some records are subject to a closure period of 75 years under the Data Protection Act.
- مستوى الوصفوعاء
متصفح هرمي